Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hewlett Packard Spying Scandal Essay

Corporate misconduct, (or people’s misconduct so to speak) is an issue that has been dominating headline news in the American business world in recent years. Theodore Roosevelt, one time U.S. president was probably right when he said, â€Å"To educate a person in mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society† (Platt, 1989). The American society has continued to suffer from corporate scandals, despite the fact that people are now better educated because behind each scandal and crisis is a possible lack of morals in the â€Å"educated people† running those corporations (Low et al, 2006). It should be noted that unethical behavior is not a new phenomenon in US business nor it is an issue of the US alone. Research Questions and Objectives The year 2002 witnessed the collapse of giants like Enron, Tyco, Arthur Anderson, WorldCom and less known cases like Morgan Stanley, Dupont and Prudential Financial amongst others all involved in one form of scandal or the other.   Such widespread corporate misbehaviors have left many people (including this writer) to wonder where things are going wrong. Should blame be placed on perceived weaknesses of legislation and accounting standards? Or is it that education is not producing the type of business graduates needed to prevent such scandals? (Low et al).  Ã‚   Do the misdeeds simply involve a few â€Å"bad apples†: a smattering of corporations that make the rest of American business look bad? Or is the problem much broader than that? Further, if it is a widespread issue, what needs to be done? (Clement R. May 2006). Such are the kind of questions this study is out to seek answers to in light of the Hewlett Packard Spying scandal of 2006. Conceptual Framework This section explains what the literature on business ethics suggests for achieving ethical behavior in an organization. It is hoped that this will lay a foundation for the analysis of the recent corporate misdeed of Hewlett Packard. Business Ethics: Business ethics, Black J. (2002) is the branch of ethics that studies what standards businesses should observe in their dealings over and above compliance with the letter of the law. This covers questions such as fair dealing with their labour force, customers, suppliers, and competitors, and the impact of their activities on public health, the environment, and animal welfare. If a good reputation helps to gain and retain business, ethical conduct need not necessarily conflict with profit, but there are bound to be cases where it does. Particularly difficult questions of business ethics arise in multinational firms, where practices such as gifts to officials, which are essential to doing business at all in some countries, are regarded as criminal in others. Previous research works on business ethics have pointed out some measures that can be taken within an organization to help foster a culture of ethical behavior. Many of these studies highlight the role that top management commitment plays in developing an ethical organizational culture. Weaver, Trevino and Cochran (1999) found that the commitment of top management is essential for ethical decision making to be integrated into a firm’s culture; in other words, management’s decisions and actions in promoting the program are more effective than making sure that the program addresses a long list of ethical issues. Trevino and Brown (2004) found that top executives must manage ethical conduct proactively by means of explicit ethical leadership and conscious management of the organization’s culture. To this end, they suggest that top managers should study the cultures of their organizations to see what ethical messages are being sent. The researchers also assert that executives should communicate the importance of ethics, reward ethical behavior, and model that behavior themselves. Holmes et al (2002) found that employees are more likely to engage in ethical behavior if top management is firm in its expectations of ethical behavior of all employees, including themselves (p. 97) while Harrington (1997) concluded that, to achieve ethical behavior, top management needs to gain social consensus through changes in organization culture and by encouraging employees to live up to their responsibilities. What constitutes â€Å"unethical† behavior? It is important to determine the types of corporate behavior to consider unethical, and to decide on the time period over which the data on that behavior should be gathered. Some types of behavior may seem unethical to certain individuals but not to others (Clement R, 2006).   He however identifies three conditions that seem to signal unethical behavior: – A plea of guilty by a firm to charges of misconduct; – by courts or government agencies against a firm as solid evidence of corporate misconduct, even if the firm is still appealing the ruling. – agreement by a firm to settle charges, often by paying a fine or agreeing to other restrictions on company behavior even if the firm is not required to admit guilt. The Hewlett Packard (HP) spying scandal Origins In a Newsweek report by Kaplan D, (2006), the confrontation at Hewlett-Packard started innocently enough in January 2006 when online technology site CNET published an article about the long-term strategy at HP and other information that could only come from a director quoting an anonymous HP source. HP’s chairwoman, Patricia Dunn, fed up with the ongoing leaks told another director she wanted know whom it was. According to an internal HP e-mail, Dun then took the extra ordinary step of authorizing a team of independent electronic-security experts to spy on the January 2006 communications of other 10 directors – not the records of calls (or emails) from HP itself, but the records of phone calls made from personal accounts. That meant calls from directors’ home and their private cell phones were intercepted. Dunn acted without informing the rest of the board and this caused a boardroom fury at the world’s largest technology company. In a related story by Sakuma P. (2007), the HP boardroom-spying scheme erupted into a national scandal , September 2006, after the company disclosed that detectives it hired obtained the private phone records of directors, employees and 9 journalists in an effort to ferret out the source of media leaks. The scandal also introduced the world to â€Å"pretexting,† a shady tactic in which detectives used other people’s Social Security numbers to fool telephone companies into divulging detailed call logs. In an interview with Newsweek, Dunn said she didn’t know that the investigation would reach such heights. Consequences In two separate press releases, HP announced a number of moves that was an outcome of 2 days of teleconferences among the board. – Patricia Dunn was to step down as chairwoman. – CEO Mark Hurd will replace her. – George Keyworth, the longest serving director and one who leaked information to a CNET reporter that led to HP’s investigation was to resign immediately. – Richard Hackborn, who served on the board since 1992 would become â€Å"lead independent director†. – A criminal investigation against Patricia Dunn, Kevin Hunsaker, HP’s former ethics chief who allegedly directed the probe, and 3 private investigators was started on 4 counts: use of false or fraudulent pretenses to obtain confidential information from a public utility; unauthorized access to computer data; identity theft; and conspiracy to commit each of those crimes. Each charge carried a fine of up to 10,000 dollars and 3 years in prison. How and Why HP successfully overcame this scandal Testifying before a congressional in September 2006, Dunn said she was repeatedly reassured by HP’s lawyers about the legality of its detectives’ subterfuge. In a Business Week report, November 2006, a state judge Cunningham in California dropped the above charges against ex-Hewlett-Packard Chair Patricia Dunn after she pleaded guilty. The court however did not accept the pleas of the other three defendants and offered to dismiss the charges against them if they met two conditions – by Sept. 12   2006, they must serve 96 hours of community service and complete any court-filed restitution requests made by victims. In a related story by CNN’s Katy Byron, (September, 2006), the court dismissed Dunn’s charge because of her cancer battle, according to the attorney general’s office. The dismissal came â€Å"not because she’s innocent but because she is sick,† attorney general’s spokesman Barankin told CNN. Dunn had breast cancer in 2000 and melanoma in 2002 and was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2004 and is still battling it. She also underwent extensive surgery last year after doctors discovered a malignant tumor in her liver. In a CNBC news report (september 2006) Hewlett Packard agreed to pay $14.5 million to settle the lawsuit brought by California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, whose office accused the company of unfair business practices in its attempts to unmask the source of boardroom leaks. HP also implemented changes to its corporate governance policies to ensure that future internal investigations are conducted legally. There was no finding of liability against HP. The settlement includes an injunction and agreement that the California Attorney General will not pursue civil claims against HP or against its current and former directors, officers and employees. The vast majority of the settlement — $13.5 million — will fund state and local investigations into privacy rights and intellectual property violations, Lockyer said in a statement. The personal efforts of new HP chairman and CEO, Mark Hurd also contributed greatly to HP’s successfull exit from the scandal. He says â€Å"We are pleased to settle this matter with the Attorney General and are committed to ensuring that HP regains its standing as a global leader in corporate ethics and responsibility†. The company shareholders rejected a proposal that would have given investors the right to nominate directors to HP’s board. About 39 percent of HP shares entitled to vote at the company’s annual shareholder meeting favored the measure, which was supported by funds including Calpers, the largest U.S. pension fund, and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, the No. 3 fund. The above factors culminated in a slight stock price increase of HP in September 2006 despite the fact that September 2006 was a rocky month for the company. Its stock actually rose a bit that month, ending at $36.69. It has since climbed to nearly $40 as HP continues to perform strongly in the PC and printer markets. HP today has regained its leading position as the worlds number one technology company. The Role of Business Ethics in this Success The conceptual framework of this study laid some guidelines on how to identify when a company behavior should be considered ethical or not. In the context of the widely publicized Hewlett Packard spying scandal discussed above, there is no plea of guilt by the firm nor by Patricia Dunn and the other defendents to charges of misconduct, we haven’t seen a ruling against either the Carlifornia court that handled the case nor the Securities and Exchange Commissions against HP for unethical behavior. However, HP agreed to settle charges of $14.5 million to close the case and save the goodwill of the Silicon Valley icon. The payment, by ethical standards could be considered a fine, which is an evidence of unethical behavior, by a firm. HP’s intention, perhaps, as we have seen was to save the company’s image and probably in compliance with a court injunction or lawyer’s advice. Taking a look at HP’s Standards of Business Conduct, (SBC) , we find that it embodies the fundamental principles that govern   ethical and legal obligations to HP. They pertain not only to conduct within the company but also to conduct involving HP’s customers, channel partners, suppliers and competitors. ( As a business, remaining profitable and viable is a must for Hewlett Packard though this is not the only concern for the company. HP seeks uncompromising integrity through what each individual can contribute — to its customers, co-workers, company and communities. HP’s business success is dependent on trusting relationships. Its reputation is founded on the personal integrity of the company’s personnel and its dedication to the principles of: ( – Honesty in communicating within the company and with its business partners, suppliers and customers, while at the same time protecting the company’s confidential information and trade secrets. – Excellence in its products and services, by striving to provide high-quality products and services to its customers – Responsibility for its words and actions – Compassion in its relationships with employees and the communities affected by company business – Citizenship in observance of all the laws of any country in which the company does business, respect for environmental concerns and service to the community by improving and enriching community life. – Fairness to our fellow employees, stakeholders, business partners, customers and suppliers through adherence to all applicable laws, regulations and policies, and a high standard of behavior. – Respect for fellow employees, stakeholders, business partners, customers and suppliers while showing willingness to solicit their opinions and value their feedback. Conclusion From the above, we can say that Dunn’s investigation into the leak was simply in compliance with the first principle (Honesty) of the company’s code of ethics. Her intentions were clear from the outset – to probe into an alleged boardroom leak while at the same time respecting the principles of respect and fairness (last two principles) in the investigation. That in itself shouldn’t have been a scandal. It is the methods of the investigation – pretexting that raised controversy and finally erupted into a scandal. Patricia Dunn was able to prove before congress and the courts that such an act was carried out without her knowledge, though she acknowledged that an investigation was going on, which in itself complied with company ethics.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bible & Internet

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. -Day 1 – God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light â€Å"day† and darkness â€Å"night. † 3 And God said, â€Å"Let there be light,† and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light â€Å"day,† and the darkness he called â€Å"night. † And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. And God said, â€Å"Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water. † 7 So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the vault â€Å"sky. † And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day. -Day 2 – God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it â€Å"sky. † 9 And God said, â€Å"Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear. † And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground â€Å"land,† and the gathered waters he called â€Å"seas. † And God saw that it was good. 1 Then God said, â€Å"Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds. † And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day. -Day 3 – God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground â€Å"land,† and the gathered waters â€Å"seas. † On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees). 4 And God said, â€Å"Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth. † And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 9 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day. -Day 4 – God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years. 20 And God said, â€Å"Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky. † 21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them and said, â€Å"Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth. † 23 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day. -Day 5 – God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life. 24 And God said, â€Å"Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind. And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 26 Then God said, â€Å"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground. † 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 8 God blessed them and said to them, â€Å"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. † 29 Then God said, â€Å"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food. And it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. -Day 6 – God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate. -Day 7 – God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Humans And Technology: Partners In The Future Essay

With the rate that technology is constantly improving many question the state of humans in the future when technology might possibly overtake human development. However, those who believe that the future is a place where humans will be enslaved by technology and man will no longer be enjoying the liberties now enjoyed might be in for a surprise because technology is currently designed to assist humans and improve the human quality of life. Humans and technology are set to become partners in the future because man created technology for his advancement and advantage, technology was designed to support human existence and technology was designed to improve life. The first programmable computer was invented in 1938 which was followed by the development of many other types of computers through the years. (ComputerHope) For many, this was the beginning of technology; but the fact remains that technology is the use of existing materials to improve or enhance the performance of a particular task. So based on this concept of technology, then such a concept existed as early as the time that man discovered the use of fire or when the Chinese first developed the wheel. Technology has been around for ages and for all of these instances its objective was to make the performance of a task easier. This means that the task performed is done by a human and the addition of technology simply makes the task performed by the said human much is easier to do. Technology was never intended to replace humans because it is there to exist side by side with its creator to assist in and to enhance the performance of a task. On this premise, it is easy to gather evidence that in fact, in the future, humans and technology are set to become partners to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of many things from services to products, and to the more mundane conveniences in life. One proof that humans and technology are most likely to become mutual partners in the future is the fact that technology is created for the advancement or advantage of man. Robotics is one of the aspects of technology that proves this particular point. There are suppositions that â€Å"the accelerating pace of technological change allows us to build machines like cyborgs (machine-enhanced humans like the Six Million Dollar Man), androids (human-robot hybrids like Data in Star Trek) and other combinations beyond what we can even imagine. † (Carnett) These innovations in robotics are set to blur the distinction between man and machine, making man perform in ways that are beyond what one can conceive. With robotics man will be able to raise a two hundred pound weight as easily as a forklift. Mike Harden once commented that, â€Å"in robotics, I want to do it. It’s because I’m a magically different person in robotics. † (2010) Such a comment simply shows how this kind of technology can improve even the way humans view themselves in the context of technology – that man is empowered by technology and technology exists merely as a means of improving what man is able to normally do. Robotics is the best evidence that technology simply exists to make tasks easier for humans. This fact is validated by current situations where â€Å"Robots already perform many [dangerous] functions, from making cars to defusing bombs or firing missiles. (Singer and Sagan) These tasks can be lethal to humans and with the purpose of keeping humans away from risky situations, robots are utilized. Which brings the discussion to the second proof that in the future humans and technology are bound to become mutual partners – the technological purpose of human life support. Technology is designed to support human existence which is why it cannot be perceived as something that will ultimately destroy and/or cause the extinction of the human race. Medicine is the field of science where technology ultimately plays a role in supporting the existence of human life. For instance, â€Å"Dr. Howard W. Jones Jr. , the surgeon, along with his wife, Dr. Georgeanna Seegar Jones, helped to create the first test tube baby born in the United States† (Epstein) These scientists insist that human reproduction is not as efficient as it would first seem to be so technology needs to assist humans in the matter of procreation. Epstein) This basically shows the purpose of such a controversial technological advancement as ‘in vitro fertilization’ is not to smite the laws of nature or to cause the extinction of the human race but on the contrary, to support such existence so that reproduction will be more efficient when compared to natural reproduction which can be affected by other, more risky influences and may result to abnormal conception or childbirth. Even scientists who are involved in such questionable technological advances like cloning accept and concede to the belief that even these kinds of scientific procedures are intended for the betterment of future generations, hence, Dr. Margaret McLean (2010) asserts that, â€Å"The question is not whether we ought to ban or applaud cloning but why would we choose to go forward and whether our choices bode well or ill for present and future children and our relationships with them. (Sterns) This basically shows how scientists themselves agree to the role of technology in terms of ensuring and supporting the existence of the human race. This particular belief is connected to how technology is able to improve and enhance the quality of life of human beings. From the ordinary toaster to the microwave oven to the more complex capabilities of the newest models of cellular phones intended for mobile communication, the future of technology is quite clear to be a future where humans will most likely live better lives because of how innovations can make life easier and more convenient. However, these are merely the superficial and tangible representations of such a future; other, more complex studies and more world-shattering innovations are on their way. One such innovation can be found in genetics. The most amazing developments in this field can be seen in the development of gene therapy and genetic engineering. â€Å"Gene therapy has very real potential for enhancing human health† (Adams) because it addresses the flaws in human genes and corrects these flaws thereby remedying whatever physical or physiological problems are caused by that particular damaged gene. Considering this capability of gene therapy, then it is not strange if one day a diabetic is able to eat as much sugar as he/she wants to or a hypertensive is able to smoke as much as he/she wants. These effects are the perceived effects of gene therapy where the gene that causes the illness or the ailment is corrected and reintroduced into the human body. Another implication of genetics is in agriculture where food can be genetically engineered resulting in bigger tomatoes, cholesterol-free swine, and eggs or nuts that do not have any allergens! Therefore, â€Å"Plant science and plant gene technology will be critical activities of the nation’s response to many challenges it faces in the coming decades† (AAS) These challenges include the resolution of hunger, the provision of healthier food alternatives, and the sustainability of food stores for all the people in the world. Obviously, as is illustrated in these examples, technology is set to make the lives of humans more convenient. The standard of living for humans will increase with technology taking headway into the future. This particular aspect of technology is hard evidence that in the future, technology will be a partner of human beings in making the world a better place to live in. The fallacy of machines dominating humans in the future and the development of super-intelligences that will overtake human intelligence is, at this point, science fiction, because as circumstances show, technology is doing nothing nowadays but assisting humans and making life easier. The image of humans being chained by robots and made to do their bidding or used as fodder for their cogs and screws is an image that will hopefully remain in literature as the future of technology is bright in the context of how it can assist humans and improve and enhance human life. Partnership means having mutual benefit not merely focusing on the benefits of one party and in the case of technology, the benefits are both ways. The future is when humans will get as much from technology as technology from humans because without humans, technology will remain static and will no longer move onward in development. Evidence shows that as technology moves further away from the discovery of fire and the modeling of the wheel humans are set to enjoy the future with technology as an indispensable partner. Recent advancements in various fields such as robotics, genetics, medicine, and other fields of science have showed that technology will most likely be a partner to humans in the future because technology serves to make human life more convenient, it exists to support human existence, and it is designed to improve the human quality of life. Technology, while seemingly threatening to some, is in fact moving toward a fruitful and productive partnership with the human race not far into the twentieth century.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Email Policy at Johnson & Dresser Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Email Policy at Johnson & Dresser - Essay Example It is legal under some circumstances and illegal in other words. It is necessary to for the managers to maintain the business ethics within business environment. So in this case it becomes legal when the employers at the time of recruitment or employment clear the privacy policy to its employees. They should know how much privacy they can enjoy under the privacy policy set by the company. Their consent in reading mails should be made the criteria of employment. So that they would know that all the emails could be read by the manager for any assistance. It is illegal when the policies regarding reading mails secretly or having full access to employee email messages is hidden from the workers. Or when they are told that they can enjoy full privacy in this regard but indeed they keep on eye on their emails. There could be number of reasons varying from organization to organization. It mainly depends upon the policies and nature of company. So mostly this option is availed by the companies to keep track of their employee’s performance regarding their jobs. For example they can check whether the sales officer is dealing with the customer in the suitable manner or doing his job with full sense of responsibility or not. Employee can use the email for work purpose only and can’t use it for personal use while at work. It is right of the company to keep track of it to reduce extra expenses. The negative consequence could be reduction in the productivity of the company. Only those employee would feel uncomfortable with this policy who really not too much in work. They doesn’t rely on handwork and are not that much fair with their jobs. But of course this policy offers bit strict working environment so employees would try to be careful for this they would work in pressure all the time which can result in less productive outcome. As far as my opinion is concerned, I think the appropriate policy is that employer should keep track of emails and

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20

Case Study - Essay Example The term Sony’s DNA also indicates the company’s unusual skill for product design and outstanding marketing tactics. This extraordinary flair for design and marketing is the key factor of its dominance in international markets. The major challenge that Sony confronted with achieving synergy was the issue related to its internal convergence. The corporation was unsure how it could achieve seamless cooperation between its subsidiary companies by selling the network vision. In addition, ‘there was little corporation between the content people in the United States and the technical wizards in Japan’. The production units like the Play Station had been enjoying exceed independence by working outside the company’s mainstream and by initiating alliance with other parties. It is uncertain if sonny can endure with this sort of ‘luxury’ in future namely in its innovative processes. Another major problem was the threat from low-cost imitators who already had pirated its content business. As compared to other competitors, Sony had to be highly concerned about factors associated with its copyright. As one of the notable challenges, Sony had been limited access to TV broadcast in USA. Th ey also lacked synergy between hardware and content side of business. Finally, Sony did not have substantial share in mobile industry. Reorganization might be the possible solution to meet these challenges in future. Sony has already identified this factor; and the organization has entered the world of digital convergence. Instead of traditional mode of management, it depends on outsourcing feasibility which allows broad and collaborative knowledge sharing and problem solving. Sony’s cooperation with Intel and Microsoft is an example for this conceptual change. Although this trend of convergence was unfamiliar to Sony, recently it has altered its tactics especially in case of product

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Love. How to start an Business in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Love. How to start an Business in USA - Essay Example This paper will demonstrate how to start a business in Chicago, Illinois and also acts as a basic guideline for an individual who has yet to go through an actual implementation process. This paper is based on the research carried out to reveal the steps which are necessary to be taken when starting a retail pharmacy business in Chicago. The importance of intellectual property (IP) should be recognized thoroughly by a start-up business owner. IP is actually a legal concept and is sadly, poorly misunderstood by many people who wish to start their own businesses and think that this concept can only be appropriately applied by those people who are legal experts. Every enterprise, company or business organization should pay attention to IP. IP can help the owners at every stage of business development â€Å"from product development to product design, from service delivery to marketing, and from raising financial resources to exporting or expanding your business abroad† (World Intellectual Property Organization, n.d.). in order to maximize the benefits, business owners should know how to use the IP system. It is worth mentioning that in case IP being used belongs to others, then rights have to be acquired to use it by obtaining a license so that forthcoming disputes and litigation could be avoided by the novice in dividuals intent on establishing personal businesses. IP is also important to a business because it helps in copyright protection and get fair economic awards on grounds of a business’s individual creativity and product sales. Retail pharmacy is recognized as one of the mainstream profitable businesses in entire USA. But, area requirements should be deeply understood and assessed before implementing and operating any business concept, According to Woodfield (2012), State of Illinois Business Portal suggests that before

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mid sized corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mid sized corporation - Research Paper Example Therefore it would be ethical to settle the case with Mr. Larry and also to pay him certain amount of money as a result of which he doesn’t reveal the secrets of the company. However certain policies like termination, penalty or certain other strict punishment must be imposed upon him if this happens in the near future (Herman, 2010). If he is not stopped from doing so then there are chances that he may repeat these kinds of activities. As the company is under at-will state which states that the employees can quit at any time as well as the employer can fire an employee at any time for any reason (Runkell, n.d.). Hence if this is repeated in the near future the company has the right to terminate him as per the law. Herman, S., (2010). Male Sexual Harassment Claims on the Rise. Addressing Male Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Retrieved Online on October 1, 2010 from Ricadela, A., (2010). HP’s Former CEO Said to Settle with Sexual-Harassment Accuser. Bloomberg. Retrieved Online on October 1, 2010 from

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Eating meat and fish vecessarily involves cruelty to other living Essay

Eating meat and fish vecessarily involves cruelty to other living creatures. Vegetarianism should be made compulsory - Essay Example People that follow such diet are referred as vegetarians, and are found mostly in Asian countries that are dominated by Buddhism and Hinduism religions that assert humans to live on a plant-based diet. (Portmess, 2001) A number of variations have been observed in the abovementioned dietary practice, in terms of exclusion or inclusion of poultry items. It is observed that a minority group of vegetarians, animal lovers, and religious experts has asserted the fact that an omnivorous diet is a symbolic way of showing cruelty to animals. Such a notion has been contradicted by a multitude of observable facts that will be discussed in this paper. It is observed that such a notion has been influenced by a number of ethical, emotional, and religious factors, rather than scientific or rational reasons. In this regard, such statement cannot be scrutinized through rational understanding. Still, it is observed that some animals that produce meat are sacred in some religions, and societies following such religions consider meat-related products as an act against the word of God. (Fox, 1999) Such a statement can be contradicted by the analysis of human body that is created according to the requirements of a meat-based diet. Digestive system of the human body is very effective in terms of digesting meat-based, as well as, vegetable-based diet, and therefore, it would be ridiculous to say that eating meat-based diet is against the word of God. Moreover, natural ecosystem is one of the major examples that oppose the abovementioned statement. It is the rule of nature that stronger ones kill and eat weaker ones, and it is very essential for the continuity of animal kingdom. In this regard, if the vegetarianism will be made compulsory, survival will become one of the problems of human beings, as animal population will multiply and be ten times greater than the human population. (Spencer, 2004) Statement of vegetarians is supported by

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Patient compliance in English hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Patient compliance in English hospital - Essay Example To summarize those earlier studies, all of them suggest, for obtaining the best results, imaging be done on naturally filled or empty bladders. For those protocols that require filled bladders prior to imaging, ensuring reproducibility in bladder filling becomes vital. The patient is usually informed to have a comfortably full bladder. Put simply, the patient is asked to comply with the prognosis program. However, when the patient voids the bladder without informing the medical personnel, a situation of non-compliance arises, resulting in errors in imaging. Such errors more often than not are compounded by variations in the interpretation of the data. Patient non-compliance in the form of reluctance to agree for evaluation and treatment owing to significant distress, urological symptoms or erectile functions is now a documented aspect of PC (da Silva et al., 1996, p77; Roth et al., 1998, p1908). Whereas Roth et al., report the development of an acceptable approach for rapid screening for distress in PC patients; da Silva et al., recommend that Quality of Life (QoL) assessment be made mandatory to increase participation and compliance rates in future studies that consider QoL to be an important study end point. When patient non-compliance significantly affects the medical interventions, one good strategy of overcoming the same would involve checking on the findings of researchers working on diseases other than PC wherein a similar requirement of having a reproducible bladder volume exists, how those researchers overcame the same and extrapolating those findings to PC. To begin with, usage of frequency volume charts (FV charts) is, perhaps, a better option. Abrams et al., (1996, p53) suggest keeping FV charts for seven days essentially to cover both work and leisure periods. They also propose computerization of the FV charts as an attractive option. Similarly, based on the results obtained in a pair of related studies, Rabin et al., (1996a, p806; 1996b, p34) report greater patient compliance when an electronic voiding diary is maintained in comparison to traditional methods. In a study involving 81 women with urinary incontinence, Jorgensen et al., (1987, p42) advise the usage of one-hour p ad-weighing test, which was found to be practical and useful in quantifying the degree of leakage. Although, PC never affects women, extrapolating the observations might improve patient compliance in PC management. Continuing the discussion on similar lines, despite using the above-mentioned remedial measures, it is possible that the patients might not comply or perhaps owing to various reasons, while waiting for treatment, might void early without informing the medical personnel. This situation makes the development of strategies that do not rely on bladder volume imperative. In other words, the best option would be to implement those protocols that are independent of the 'status' of the bladder. In the absence or non-availability of such protocols, the observations of Faithfull et al., (2001, p1864) are significant. In a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sunrise model of Leninger's transcultural nursing theory Essay

Sunrise model of Leninger's transcultural nursing theory - Essay Example These factors are then used to formulate an individual’s structural and cultural dimensions. These dimensions overlap affecting a person’s view of their environment. This, in turn, affects their psychological, physiological and cultural health needs (Sagar, 2011). The theory accounts for the effects culture has on people. Culture is responsible for the way people define ailments and their response to the treatment they receive and its success. For instance, psychological disorders fall in either of two categories namely; peripheral or central disorders. This division is made on the basis of how these disorders manifest themselves in different cultural contexts. Peripheral disorders symptoms appear differently within different cultures, whereas central disorders symptoms manifestations are similar across all cultures (Murphy, 2006). The transcultural nursing theory takes into account such disparities and tries to reconcile the nursing profession with the existing different cultures. This has made it possible for nurses all over the world to practice nursing bearing in mind the cultural context. The theory is mostly credited for reconciling the different cultural influences in the training of nurses. This increases nurses’ flexibility when it comes to choosing employment opportunities all around the world. Patients receive the best care without fear of inconsiderate treatment from the nurses. This theory helps eradicate patients’ mentality whereby nurses are considered ignorant about their cultural beliefs especially when it comes to the treatment of their families and community as a whole (Sagar,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Harlem Renaissance Essay Example for Free

Harlem Renaissance Essay I. Introduction The Atlantic slave trade caused the large movement of Africans across different parts of the world largely in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. This African Diaspora brought about eleven million of black people in the New World (P. Larson. â€Å"Reconsidering Trauma, Identity, and the African Diaspora: Enslavement and Historical Memory in Nineteenth-Century Highland Madagascar†). The descendants of those that were brought in the Americas, chiefly those in the United States working as slaves in the south, later experienced another diaspora: moving from the south to the north to escape the hardships brought about by intense racial discrimination. A large portion had settled in the city of Harlem, New York City which opened up a surge of excellent creative works done by blacks and became in vogue for some time. This period came to be known as the Harlem Renaissance, also variously known as the New Negro Movement, or the New Negro Renaissance. This was a period of outstanding creativity expressed in visual arts, writings, and music during this large movement of black population, wherein the African-American Diaspora has moved into larger cities. It changed the character of black American artworks, from conventional imitations of white artists to sophisticated explorations and expressions of black life and culture that revealed and stimulated a new confidence and racial pride. The movement centered in the vast black ghetto of Harlem, in New York City, thus the name of the movement. Harlem became the place of gathering for aspiring black artists, writers, and musicians, sharing their experiences and providing mutual encouragement for one another. The term Harlem â€Å"Renaissance† is a misnomer. If measured by quantity alone, it was more a birth than a â€Å"rebirth†, for never before had so many black Americans produced so much literary, artistic, and scholarly material at the same time. If measured by quality, however, it was actually a continuum, the quickening of a lively stream fed earlier by the important works of poet Paul Laurence Dunbar, novelist and short story writer Charles W. Chestnutt, poet and novelist Hames Weldon Johnson and the essays of Du Bois. The Harlem Renaissance created a significant breakthrough, wherein it marked the first time wherein literary and artistic works done by African Americans gained in national attention and interest. Doors of opportunities were opened for such works to be publicized and presented to the general public, which before were not possible. Although its main achievement is found primarily in literature, it also bore the great African-American works in politics and other creative mediums such as visual art, music, and theater that explored different aspects of black American life (R. Twombly. â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). II. Background and Discussion During the early part of the 1900s, Black Nationalism and racial consciousness began to emerge particularly during the 1920’s. One key factor that helped this development was the surfacing of the black middle class, which in turn were brought about by the increasing number of educated blacks who had found employment opportunities and a certain degree of economic advancement after the American Civil War (â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). During World War I, thousands of black people left the depressed rural South for jobs in northern defense plants. Known as the Great Migration, more African Americans established themselves in cities such as Harlem, in New York City. They were socially conscious, and became a center of political and cultural development of the black Americans. This population created racial tensions over housings and employment that resulted in increased black militancy about rights, including vigorous agitation by the national Association for the Advancement of colored People (NAACP) and other civil rights organizations. Foremost for this black movement’s agenda, which was expressed in various mediums, is to clamor for racial equality. Championing the cause were black intellectuals W.E. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke. White responses to these developments were both negative and positive. The Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups reached their peak of northern popularity during the 1920’s. At the same time unprecedented white interest in racial maters created a large audience for black authors who began to settle in the district of New York City known as Harlem. Like other black ghettoes, Harlem was a new, untapped source of themes and materials, which partially accounts for its popularity among artists and intellectuals, but unlike other ghettoes it was a newly constructed, fashionable, residential section. Functioning as a kind of black mecca, Harlem’s excellent housing, its prestige, excitement, and cosmopolitan flavor, attracted a black middle class from which sprang its artistic and literary set. A. General Characteristics Not all works during this movement is militant in nature. However, participants and contributors in the Renaissance were intensely race-conscious, proud of their heritage of being black, and much in love with their community. Most of them, some more subtly than others, criticized racial exploitation. Partly as a tribute to their achievements and partly as a reflection of their racial self-awareness, the Renaissance members were collectively called â€Å"New Negroes†, also indicating that they had replaced the (largely white created) literary image of the comic, pathetic plantation Negro with the proud, busy, independent black man of the northern city. The â€Å"New Negroes† were generally integrationists, optimistically interpreting their own individual successes as harbingers of improvement in race relations. Acceptance from Harpers, Harcourt, Brace, Viking, Boni Livewright, Knopf, and other front-line publishers began coming through quick succession, boosting more optimism among African-American contributors of the Harlem Renaissance. Rather than depicting a new movement of style, the art during the Harlem Renaissance is united by their common aspiration of depicting and expressing in artistic form the African-American psyche and life. Common characteristics can be found among such works such as the birth of racial pride among black Americans. This called for tracing its roots and origin by taking attention and interest to the life of blacks primarily in Africa and South America. Also, such strong social and racial consciousness brought a strong desire for equality in the American society, both socially and politically. But one of the most common and significant characteristic of the Harlem Renaissance was the abundant production of a variety of creative expressions. Diversity was the main distinctive quality, brought about by an experimental spirit of the movement such as in music which ranged from blues, jazz, to orchestra music. B. Primary Artist of the Harlem Renaissance:   Aaron Douglas (1898-1979) The celebrated artist of the Harlem Renaissance was Aaron Douglas, who chose to depict the New Negro Movement through African images which bore â€Å"primitive† techniques: paintings in geometric shapes, flat, and rugged edges. In his works, Douglas wanted the viewers to know and recognize the African-American identity. As such, Aaron Douglas is often referred to as the â€Å"Father of African American Art†. Born in Topeka, Kansas, Douglas was able to finish his B.A degree. Moving to Harlem in 1925, Aaron immediately set to work, creating illustrations for prominent magazines of the Harlem Renaissance. Douglas was influenced in his modernist style under the tutelage of German artist Winold Reiss, a style which marked most of his celebrated works and incorporating both African and Egyptian strokes of illustration and design. It was Reis who encouraged Douglas to take African design into his works which became his trademark (â€Å"The Harlem Renaissance: Aaron Douglas†). Such manner of African â€Å"primitive† style caught the attention of the main proponents of the Harlem Renaissance, namely W.E.B. Dubois and Alain Locke who found Douglas’ works as an appropriate embodiment of the African-American heritage. They were encouraging young artists to depict their African legacy through their artworks. Even though at a time when DuBois stilled considered Henry Tanner more important, Douglas has fairly established a reputation as the leading visual artist of his time. Harlem Renaissance painters are united by the desire to promote and portray the life and condition of blacks, particularly African-Americans. However, at this point the similarity ends. Harlem Renaissance artworks are as varied in style as the artists themselves. Although like Douglas, most painters of this period received formal trainings and as such, their style and strokes are no different from other non-black artists. What only separate the artists of the Harlem Renaissance from others are their themes and subjects. III. Conclusion A. Ending and Significance As a conclusion, one of the strengths of the Harlem Renaissance was also a serious weakness. Because they were dependent on white patrons and viewers for popularity, black artists were not fully free to explore the mechanisms that perpetrated racial injustice, nor could they propose solutions unacceptable to whites. Furthermore, when the Great Depression dominated American life during the 1930’s, the whites, who had been the bulk of the Renaissance audience, concentrated on economics and politics, oblivious to black American suffering. American arts and letters took up new themes, and although the best artists continued to work, they ultimately lost popularity. The Great Depression drove many black artists to scatter; and were mostly forced to leave New York or to take other jobs to tide them over the hard times. Creativity was drowned by necessity. Nevertheless, despite its many weaknesses and disadvantages, the Harlem Renaissance was a milestone in black American culture and the basis for later achievements.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Website analysis Essay Example for Free

Website analysis Essay Blockbuster Inc. started to embark on online rental service in the Unites States last August 2004 (Press Release). This is in counteraction of Netflix’s leading online movie rental service. The company’s website is popularly called Blockbuster Online and is somehow independent with on-ground stores. Visiting the website, observations can be formulated regarding the effectiveness and creativity of the website to online customers. The welcome page of Blockbuster Online is simple but effective. It is simple in a sense that no pop-ups can be found; there are no visual animations or advertising videos; no sounds and background music to entice the customers. Nevertheless, it is quite effective for the very reason that it uses the familial connection occurring with its customers. This can be evident through the use of a family picture in front of a television, assumed to be watching movies. It gives the customers a sense of home and belongingness. On another visit of the website, the featured picture is a woman lying down on a sofa in front of the television. These also give an idea that although movie viewing is comfortable in a family setting, it can also be done alone and still enjoy the activity. In both pictures, the people involve are holding remote controls. This very small detail gives an impression that each are about to watch a movie although if one looks at the pictures alone, the television is not visible. Furthermore, the movie guides and popcorn on the table in the pictures give a new dimension to movie home viewing. The said details represent the idea that satisfying movie viewing is not only possible in the big screens but also possible in the home. One would even be made to conclude that it would be a lot feasible and safe to watch movies in the home rather than in theatres. The color scheme of the website, with its blue, light blue, yellow and white major colors, is also very appropriate for the services it offers. The colors used give an impression of brightness and lightness of the website. It gives a serene and calming touch to anyone who visits the website. In the simplicity of the welcome page of the website, the customers may also be persuaded to think that the services it offers are practical and cheap. It makes them feel that fees are inexpensive and affordable. On the other hand, the welcome page can be seen as a very uncreative effort in designing. As one lingers longer on the page, it can be noticed that the website looks like an ordinary advertisement box in a newspaper page. This is unfavorable since it will decrease the customers’ interest in exploring more of the website. Although the welcome page is uncomplicated, it contains many promotional materials like the company’s offer for a free trial. It also presents free shipping and a step-by-step menu to help customers who are new to the website. The three easy steps to enjoy the rental service include select movies, receive by mail and return by mail or in-store exchange (Blockbuster Online). The various different links from the welcome page to the other pages of the website makes up for the simplicity of the welcome page. Complex links can be found in the different parts and corners of the welcome page. Links to a variety of web pages regarding the company are located at the bottom of the welcome page. This is very uneasy for the customers since it is in very small font sizes that it becomes unnoticeable. This part of the website includes the terms and conditions policy of the company. Nonetheless, the rent and buy movie links on the page are easy to follow. One particular detail that has caught attention is the link opening default settings of the website. In the links related to rental services and other customer-related topics such as movie categories and new movie releases, the links open on the current page. On the other hand, if the link leads to the company’s information or financial and business issues such as investing and the company profile, the link opens on a new window. This is very interesting since it implicitly draws the line between customer-related issues and internal issues of the company. Further on, the different links to the secondary websites are too many and are hard to track which may lead to the customer getting lost in the whole website. This may also be the effect of the website’s moderate organization of the links. Nevertheless, upon familiarity of the website links, customers can get used to the incomprehensible first impression organization of the website. The sign-up page of the website is simply designed too. A step-by-step process of the whole transaction of the rental service is included in a graphical and a worded method. It looks like a comic strip which accounts for its easy-to-comprehend characteristic. The big sign-up button is also interesting enough due to its large size and appealing color and font type. These properties of the page may convince the customer to sign up for a membership plan. Features of the rental service are also in the web page in brief making it a summary of the whole service that the company provides. The rent movies page is quite colorful and interesting especially for movie fanatics. It includes different categories and featured movies. In all of these categories, the movies featured all have small movie posters with the relative size of a DVD front cover. It gives a very unique influence on the customer since the customer can somehow see a glimpse of the movie. The rental page also provides a link on the procedure on how to rent via the internet. Like the rental page, the buyers’ page is also filled with the DVD front cover posters of on-sale movies. The structure also consists of different movie categories wherein the customer can choose from. However, in the buyers’ page, the movies in feature incorporate a button which adds the movie to the list of movies the customer wants to buy. Together with this element is the price of the movie. The payment terms can be done through credit card and other online wiring financial services such as PayPal. This is very secure for online clients, thus contributing with the website’s ease of operation characteristic. Another amazing element of the website is its trailers and video clips page. In this part, the customer can take a glance of the movies and also watch the trailer of the movie. It is very appropriate and efficient since most customers would first want to see clips of the movie before they rent or buy it. This amazing feature adds up to the website’s effectiveness. Some of the web pages in the site require information upload from the customers and members. Such web pages include the store locator and the contact page (Blockbuster Online). In the store locator page, the client is asked to type in the address and then a button is clicked to reveal stores near the vicinity. This is very useful for online customers who wanted to avail of in-store exchanges that the company offers. Although the feature is very simple, it has its own link page to set it apart from the rest of the website. On the contact page, the client can contact the company on certain issues such as membership and DVD issues. However, the system used is not that of a presentation method but rather an e-mail type. In this method, instead of giving the company’s contact numbers, headquarters address and email-address, the company asks the customer to input the category issue, the client’s information and contact details as well as the messages or questions concerning the company’s services. It is much like an e-mail web page where one can submit the mail directly to the company. The system that the company uses is very reliable and easy to manage for their part since they can somehow sort the mails that they receive. This method also prevents prank callers and mailers from dumping junk on the company’s telephone lines and mailbox. Nevertheless, the negative part for this process is that the customers may feel reluctant to communicate with the company since the company requires personal information from the client which can be jeopardized unintentionally.

Global Warming as a Political Conspiracy

Global Warming as a Political Conspiracy Global warming and climate change have been a topic long debated, especially in the political realm. Several conspiracy theories have developed over time that surround the topic, mainly formulated by those that deny the existence of global warming and climate change. These conspiracy theories have gained a following and have evolved over time through several modes of dissemination, and continue to be debunked using the facts shared by climate researchers. The theory of human induced global warming was proposed by Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius in the late nineteenth century (Graham, 2000). He stated that he believed that emissions from industrial processes might cause alterations in the Earths climate. Since this proposal, scientists have argued over the issue. Later, Dr. S. Fred Singer, an atmospheric and space physicist, spoke out against the theory of human induced global warming and climate change (Interview Dr. S. Fred Singer n.d.). He stated that the process was completely natural and that humans would be able to find a way to adapt to the changes. He sparked a new wave of climate change denial in the mass media. Several theories have been formed suggesting that global warming and climate change are not a real threat. These include that scientists are hiding or altering climate date to push their agendas, climate scientists are using alarmism for their own economic gain, that global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese to help them outcompete United States manufacturing, that climate change is an elaborate scam against tax payers, and that the theory of climate change itself is an invention of activists, university researchers, and profiteers for their own economic gain. Typically, these theories center around politics and the political and/or economic agendas of scientists and climate change believers. All of these theories have been shared by their adherents through various outlets, including books, newspaper articles, and other internet sources including social media and partisan news websites. Most adherents of the global warming conspiracy are conservatives or lean more toward right wing political association. However, the opinions of these adherents are not shared by a majority of scientists. In fact, multiple studies have shown that approximately ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that the current trends in global temperature are due to human activities (Scientific consensus: Ea rths climate is warming, 2016). In November 2009, it was discovered that over a thousand emails and documents were stolen and/or leaked from the University of East Anglias Climatic Research Unit, or CRU (Carrington, 2011). The correspondence was published online, and this caused the public to question science and scientists. This scandal was termed Climategate. This scandal gave climate change deniers the opportunity to give evidence to their claims surrounding the phenomenon. Climategate involved CRU staff that were in correspondence with other leading climate scientists around the world. Phil Jones, the head of the CRU, was one of the staff members principally under investigation for his correspondence. The CRU typically specializes in utilizing past thermometer data and other data sets to aid in reconstructing more accurate and precise records of Earths temperature from the past. This scandal was particularly upsetting to the public because it posed questions surrounding access to scientific data and the scienti fic research review process. Scientific research requires that data be checked by various researchers to see if the results are similar. This requires access to any and all raw data, but in the case of the CRUs temperature data, not all of it was publicly available. Since their data sets had been put together over a long period of time by utilizing several different resources, the scientists working at the CRU were hesitant to share their temperature data with people that they thought were not going to use the information responsibly. During the peer review process of several other papers, it appeared as though the email correspondence between these scientists also served as a way for them to figure out how to stop other papers from being published. Those papers appeared to critical of the CRUs research. There were four separate investigations that looked into the issues surrounding Climategate. The House of Commons science and technology select committee was the first to report the ir investigations. They questioned Phil Jones and other CRU workers in person and ultimately concluded that the CRUs reputation was intact but that they had data access issues that needed to be resolved, which fell on the University (Carrington, 2011). Another report concluded that making the data that was used by the CRU public was the responsibility of the scientists that collected it, not necessarily the responsibility of the scientists that were reconstructing it. The biggest investigation was done by the university, which found that the scientists had not altered results or silenced anyone who disagreed with them, but that scientists needed to be more open about their research. The final investigation was conducted by Norfolk police where they tried to determine how the emails became public in the first place. As far as the content in the emails is concerned, there was nothing that was found that would indicate that scientists were hiding things or attempting to keep other scie ntists from being published. While some incriminating phrases were used in the emails, such as trick and hiding the decline, the emails give no indication that climate scientists were trying to keep information from the public (Debunking Misinformation About Stolen Climate Emails, n.d.). The term trick in these emails, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists, refers to a technique that was being used by the climate researchers while pooling data together (Debunking Misinformation About Stolen Climate Emails, n.d.). They decided that comparing temperature data that was collected from thermometers to that collected from tree rings would give other scientists and researchers the opportunity to better understand climate prior to the widespread use of thermometers to record global temperature data. Combining these data sets would allow older data to be interpreted more accurately. Hiding the decline refers to the omission of data that was collected from some trees in Siberia after 1960 because there were some trees that acted as outliers (Debunking Misinformation About Stolen Climate Emails, n.d.). Some trees had thinner rings than the researchers expected as compared to the actual thermometer data, and scientists are still trying to figure out why these trees specifically are outliers in this data set. Overall, there was no conclusive evidence of a violation of scientific integrity by researchers at the CRU. Climate alarmism is the use of scare tactics by believers in climate change to convince people to take action and make changes to slow the effects of climate change on the human population. Some examples of these tactics include reporting lists of things that could go extinct thanks to climate change and trying to convince people that without changing habits, we could lose the ability to eat certain foods or do certain things (Williams, 2016). There are some conspiracy theories surrounding the use of these tactics. There is a theory that claims that climate scientists are using this alarmism as a way to make money (Black, 2014). Theorists believe that climate scientists are prolonging the life of the ruse because the grant money that they get to pursue the science is somehow making them rich. However, there is no evidence to support these claims. There is evidence to support claims that climate change in costing money, but not on the research itself. Extreme weather events associated with climate change have already cost millions of dollars on infrastructure. This includes taking precautionary measures against rising sea level. If anything, scientists have worked hard to inform the public about the impending negative effects of global warming and climate change, giving governments the tools they need to implement legislation assisting in reducing these effects. In 2012, Donald Trump tweeted that he believed that China is using the concept of global warming to reduce and/or eliminate manufacturing competition in the United States (Wong, 2016). He has since said that it was a joke and that he just believes that it is just a very, very expensive form of tax and that China couldnt care less about what carbon wastes they put into the environment (Jacobson, 2016). Trumps claims about China have caused the country to come forward to explain that they plan to continue trying to put an end to the negative effects of climate change, no matter what (Wong, 2016). This seems to be a role reversal for the United States and China, and China may need to take on a leadership role in worldwide efforts to slow the effects of global warming and climate change. Despite saying that he was joking, Trump has continued to question the existence of global warming several times since he posted this tweet, and even claimed that colder weather patterns forced people be hind the hoax to coin the phrase climate change as a way to be more inclusive of all changes in temperature (Scherer, 2016). Some conspiracy theorists have shared beliefs that global warming is a tax scam that is costing taxpayers over $1.5 trillion a year. In his speech published to Breitbart News, James Delingpole explains how global warming is negatively affecting taxpayers (2016). He first calls global warming an industry, saying that the money we spend on the global warming industry is roughly the amount we spend every year on the online shopping industry (Delingpole, 2016). He goes on to say that the difference between online shopping and global warming is that the former provides people with something that they want, while the latter is a con. If the government were to stop funding the global warming industry through grants and taxpayer subsidies, then it would be worth almost nothing, according to Delingpole. He uses wind farms as an example, saying that theyre expensive, hazardous, and environmentally unfriendly because they kill birds and bats and utilize rare earth metals from China (Delingpole, 2016). Later in his speech, he asks his audience if they truly want to live in a world where those that work hard for their money have it taken from them to be spent on frivolities like the global warming industry, and then he says that this use of funds is causing harm in other ways as well. These include his beliefs that teaching climate science in schools is a sort of brainwashing of schoolchildren and that the misallocation of resources is similar to that of Communist countries (Delingpole, 2016). Steve Bannon and Breitbart News have claimed that global warming is actually invented by activists, scientists, and climate researchers to gain economic and government power (Lavelle, 2016). Bannon has said that government bills and other legislation that combat climate change are madness (Lavelle, 2016). At one point, Breitbart News actually suggested that a group of Marxists had taken control of the Vatican after Pope Francis urged people to work toward stopping climate change and protecting the environment. Bannon blames capitalism for causing so many issues with alternative energy, saying that members of private businesses have been receiving government subsidies for investing in or utilizing forms of alternative energy. However, subsidies for fossil fuels are actually higher than those for alternative energy sources. Fossil fuel subsidies are currently totaling at almost $500 billion, which is more than four times the amount spent on subsidies for renewable energy sources. Breit bart News has also claimed that the recent signing of the Paris climate agreement is a threat to U.S. sovereignty because it was created to evade the U.S. Constitutions requirement that treaties must be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the Senate (Pollak, 2015). There are several ways in which the issues surrounding global warming and climate change have arisen in pop culture and society, other than typical arguments on social media and rants from partisan news sources. Al Gores documentary An Inconvenient Truth highlights the impacts that humans are having on average global temperature rise, which is having devastating effects on the planet. Leonardo DiCaprio released his own documentary on climate change in late 2016 in which he discusses the ways in which humans have affected global climate, and also the ways that humans can help to resolve the issue. Coined by Science Friday, the cli-fi genre is a genre of movies, books, and even some music that utilize climate change as an integral part of the plot. Some examples of the movies from this genre include The Matrix and A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (Echter, 2016). The long debated topic of global warming and climate change has sparked the creation of several conspiracy theories. These theories have been disseminated by conservatives or right-wing groups that deny the science behind climate change, or believe that liberal or left-wing groups are using the science to push their agendas. While many of these theories have been debunked, people continue to believe that the government is wasting tax money on research, most likely because of a constant distrust in government. References Black, D. (2014, May 20). Vast global warming conspiracy exposed: Column. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Carrington, D. (2011, November 22). QA: Climategate Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Debunking Misinformation About Stolen Climate Emails in the Climategate Manufactured Controversy. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Delingpole, J. (2016, March 28). Climate Change: The Greatest-Ever Conspiracy Against The Taxpayer. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Echter, B. (2016, April 8). 16 Pieces of Pop Culture About Climate Change, From Atwood to Spielberg to the Pixies. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Graham, S. (2000, January 18). Svante Arrhenius. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Interview Dr. S. Fred Singer. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Jacobson, L. (2016, June 3). Did Trump say climate change was a Chinese hoax? Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Lavelle, M. (2016, November 16). Steve Bannons amazing trip from climate conspiracy theorist to a Trump White House post. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Pollak, J. (2015, December 13). Climate Change Deal Is a Threat to U.S. Sovereignty. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Scherer, J. (2016, November 17). China tells Trump climate change is not a Chinese hoax. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Scientific consensus: Earths climate is warming. (2016, July 29). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Williams, T., Ph.D. (2016, November 7). The Real Politics of Fear? Climate Alarmism. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Wong, E. (2016, November 18). Trump Has Called Climate Change a Chinese Hoax. Beijing Says It Is Anything But. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Spying :: essays research papers

With the growing deviant behavior around the country, law enforcement has developed 21st century surveillance techniques and methods. Now people are continually monitored to keep the public in check and obey the laws of the state. The government can supervise citizens with a new speed monitoring technology replacing highway patrol officers. In addition to speed cameras, car manufacturers have developed an On-star system, can assist motorists who need directions, have car troubles, or even order flowers for a loved one. The ingenious system that takes individual pictures of every car that passes an operational camera and then proceeds to calculate the speed at which the vehicle is traveling at the time of the photograph. This new way of apprehending speeders causes apprehension for some drivers, fear in others, and even disgust for some owners.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The automated ticket surprises people when casually opening their mail. It gives them a reminder about the importance of following the laws even when someone thinks they are not being monitored. But the main argument surrounding the heated topic of computer-generated Highway Patrol is the unknown driver of the vehicle. The tickets are written to the owner of the vehicle, the owner is not always the driver consequently, unfairly penalizing unsuspecting people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Personal surveillance has gained in popularity in the past couple of years. Cameras are hidden through houses, trip meters in cars record the top speed and number of miles each day, and an assistance program is installed in select automobiles. The On-star system assists owners of GMC cars with driving directions, car troubles, and theft using the global positioning system. A private company via satellite that can access the vehicle’s location, model, and year operates this system. The technicians answering all the calls from the owners of the cars have complete access to personal information politely addressing the caller by name. This system deters criminals from stealing cars equipped with On-star because the operators can easily locate a stolen vehicle. Therefore, the police can track down the stolen car in a matter of minutes, with the help of the On-star company. It is an uncanny feeling to have an On-star technician give a driver the exact position of their vehicle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The trip meters allow owners of a vehicle to check on other drivers of that car. By recording the date, distance traveled, and top speed of the day, the owner can monitor other driver’s aggressiveness and honesty.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Negotiating a Starting Salary Essay -- Business and Management Studies

Negotiating a Starting Salary With internet access available to nearly everyone, job seekers are armed with more information than ever before. Information can be obtained for job openings, job descriptions, and even salaries. Sometimes when filling out an application, a box will ask for a salary desired. Some advertisements ask to send your resume with salary requirements. These are sometimes tough questions to answer. How much does that job normally pay? Is the job applicant worth the top pay? This paper will explore the various factors involved when attempting to negotiate a starting salary. Topics such as helpful internet sources will be introduced, along with salary ranges, and helpful interview techniques will be discussed to better position one self to obtain the salary desired. Some basic concepts should be understood before attempting to negotiate a starting salary. First of all realize that a job in New York City will most likely pay more than the same job in rural Ohio. Geographic locations and cost-of-living play a major role when determining salaries. For example, comparisons were made for an entry level job as a bank teller in Elyria, Ohio and New York, New York. The results were interesting. The median expected salary for a typical Teller in Elyria, Ohio is $20,913; with the 25th percentile being $19,642 and the 75th percentile at $22,645. The median expected salary for the same job in New York City is $24,274; with the 25th percentile being $22,799 and the 75th percentile at $26,284 ( Supply and demand also play a part. If job candidates are plentiful then negotiating power is limited. However, some fields are in high demand and college graduates in those fields will find they have their choice of employers. For instance, according to The American Almanac Of Jobs And Salaries, the occupations with the largest job decline are sewing machine operators. This data covers the time period from 1996 to 2006 and they are in decline by 26 percent (xxviii). Conversely, according to Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook, the fastest growing jobs are computer related. From 1998-2008 computer engineers, computer support specialists, computer systems analysts, and database administrators are expected to grow by 108, 102, 94, and 77 percent respectively (18). A third concept to remember is that ev... ... appeal to their power and position in the company. Say something like, â€Å"If you have the power†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Most managers will enjoy the positive comment and if they can get it done for you they will ( These negotiating techniques highlight just some of ways a job applicant can better position themselves for a better starting salary. Salary wizards on the internet will give you a pay range. Various articles at career related web sites can give you some valuable insights. And of course your local library will always have books on hand to guide you through your job and salary search as you prepare yourself for the challenges of the working world of the 21st century. Works Cited Farr, Micheal J. and LaVern L. Ludden, Ed.D. Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook 2000-2001 ed. Caroline Levchuck. â€Å"How to Determine Your Salary Range†. 10-30-2004. Lussier, Don Job Search Secrets. Lincolnwood: NTC/Contemporary,1998 Wright, John W. The American Almanac of Jobs And Salaries 2000-2001 ed. â€Å"The Unacceptable Offer Negotiation Technique†. 10-31-2004. . â€Å" 10 Tricks for Negotiating a Higher Starting Salary†. June 20,2004. Employment Digest. 10-24-2004.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Howards End by E. M. Forster Essay -- Howards Howard End EM Forster E

Howard's End by E. M. Forster Howards End by E. M. Forster deals with the conflict of class distinctions and human relationships. The quintessence of the main theme of this lovely novel is: "Only connect!†¦Only connect the prose and passion†¦and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer." This excerpt represents the main idea that Forster carries through the book: relationships, not social status, are--or at least should be--the most important thing for people.Howards End was written in 1910. That explains the naivete and idealism that permeate the atmosphere of the novel. Written in the beginning of the twentieth century in England about the beginning of the twentieth century in England it reflects the mood that existed in England at that time. It was a time of prosperity. The industrial revolution that started in the previous century made the British Empire a world power. Everyone had a job and the conditions for the workers significantly improved as compared to the past century. Trade unions that never existed before had just begun to form to protect the rights of the working people, and poor children didn't have to work in mines anymore. A bloody and seemingly meaningless war hadn't yet begun to destroy bodies and devastate souls of people. Generally speaking, the times were good, and the future was viewed in an optimistic way. The atmosphere of the book is filled with romance and hope, even though the author is very far from writing an utopian type of description of English society.In fact, the book is very truthful in the description of class problems of the country. In Howards End Forster talks about two classes and two ideologies that are separated by the thick wall of social prejudices and misunderstandings. The two social groups are represented by the cultured, idealistic Schlegels and the pragmatic, business-oriented Wilcoxes. The Schlegel Sisters, who aren't 'pure' English, but people of German origin, personify Forster's dream about what people's philosophy of life should be. They used to think about the class differences as obstacles that do not allow people to fully understand each other. The hope is that if everybody thinks that way, people will just forget about class differences--that's what Forster's dream is. Margaret and Helen Schlegels partly think this way because being part of minority group i... ...ccur. Unfortunately, there was nothing in English society at the beginning of the twentieth century that could have given a hope of such an ending, and there is not too much now.But who cares?We have to be optimistic sometimes and hope for a better future. Too much of Hemingway's "things end badly" approach will make us all sick, tired, incorrigible pessimists. We need novels, movies, cartoons that end happily to bring some hope to our world where--Hemingway was right--too many things end too badly. This lovely and romantic book is worth reading, for it's an excellent candy in the world of our bitter reality. The idea of being comrades and 'only connecting' suits any place in the world at any time. Why not follow it, why not pay attention to personality only instead of making a big fuss about a person's social status or the amount of money an individual has? This book is too romantic, but the ability of being romantic is, after all, our strength. Who knows, maybe things that seem too idealistic to us today will become the fundamental society principles tomorrow. Who knows, maybe in the future people all over the world will "only connect" and be happy. At least, one may hope.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

What is terrorism

There is really no specified and on point definition because It could mean deferent things to different people and different countries. Because of that being, terrorism could be absolutely anything. Every good thing for one person has a bad side for another person and what is considered doing the right thing to one country, how It affects another country could be taken as terrorism. All In all terrorism Is all about perspective.The famous quote, â€Å"One mans terrorist Is another mans freedom fighter. † (http://BBC. Co. UK) 9/1 1 and the ASK are two examples of terrorism In the history of the united States. 9/1 1 was one of the most tragic events In the history of the united States and possibly the largest form of terrorism we have ever experienced. For most people when they hear the word terrorism they Instantly think of 911 1 when the twin towers of the world trade center were destroyed by planes flew by Iranians who organized and high jacked the planes.The ASK, or the Crue l Klutz Klan, was a group of white men who were organized against black people across the country. Terrorism has been about since 1789 and it has always been about the same thing. The purpose is to get attention to gain power, economic wealth, or political wealth. This could be an act of pretty much anything at all but most people usually use the highest form of danger or chaos. In my opinion, terrorism is when someone threatens or endangers someone or their life in order to gain power, ranking, or wealth.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Nutrition programs Essay

Traditionally, nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in developing countries. Many of today’s Americans are malnourished also, but they are inundated with unhealthy foods and require a multidisciplinary approach to nutrition education. What would be the three most important points to include in a public nutrition program? Provide current literature to support your answer and include two nutritional education community resources. Answer: Although we already know it is essential to eat a healthy diet, we may find it more challenging to sort through all of the information about nutrition and food choices. Nutrition is the provision to cells and organisms of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. Healthy eating helps prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure and helps reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Many people today in America are malnourished and it is mostly due to indulging in unhealthy/poor dietary intake. These problems can be controlled by utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to public education. The doctors, social workers, nurses, dieticians and other health educators involved in health promotion should all have a part in ensuring and promoting healthy dietary intake with appropriate food portions and increasing physical activity. The three most important points to include in a public nutrition program are (a) the relationship between food choices and chronic disease such as high blood pressure (high salt intake), high lipids (high fat intake), obesity/diabetes (high sugar/carb intake/low activity) and much more. Educating the public on how to use natural herbs/ seasonings, or salt substitute, reading labels for nutritional contents and ingredients and eating low carb food are all vital factors to know. It is also very important to increase your physical activity daily. Another important point to include is (b) the nutritional assessment. Individuals need to be assessed for their nutritional status and risk. This will help to â€Å"tailor the food packages, design appropriate nutritional education and make referrals to health and social services† (USDA, 2015). The next would be  the nutrition for mothers and children in regards to lactation counselling and school lunch programs. Newborn maternal nursing along with children’s’ nutrition is also a very important point to address. There are a lot of mother/baby classes in the community to help promote breastfeeding, infant meals, and children lunch box ideas. Schools are also in a unique position to promote healthy eating and help ensure appropriate food and nutrient intake among students. There are many nutritional education community resources that helps families in America to improve their nutritional status. They are (A) MyPlate Program: This was created by Michelle Obama in 2011 to serve as a reminder for people to create/make healthier food choices. It put emphasis on eating lots of fruits, grains, vegetables, protein foods and dietary foods. (B) The woman, infant and children program (WIC): This program assist pregnant women, new moms and young children obtain and eat healthy foods. Qualified individuals can only purchase healthy food items. Nutritional education is also provided for qualified individuals at no cost to them. References: MyPlate, 2015. Retrieved from: WIC Program Nutrition Education Guidance, 2006. Retrieved from: Edelman, C.L., Kudzman, E, C., Mandel, C. L., (2014). Health promotion throughout the Lifespan. St. Louis: Elsevier.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Likely Impact of MIS on the Global Glass Industry

Likely Future Impacts of MIS on the Glass Industry China looks set to dominate various markets in the near future (Hughes, M (2011) Week 3 â€Å"IS in a Changing World†, MS102, National University of Ireland Galway, unpublished) The glass industry should be a target for them. China is the best in the world for glass production and consumption. China’s flat glass production accounts for 40 per cent of the world today, which is about 38 million tons per year, and the processed glass industry is improving quickly. (Wenyi, M. O Professor of the Chinese Ceramic Society, â€Å"Review and Prospect of the Glass Industry in China†)According to incomplete statistics from 2004, the production scale of insulated glass reached 130 million square metres, and production amounted to 45 million square metres. China’s glass machinery sector has become a new boom industry, and although the Chinese glass industry has made great steps, there is still a large gap between China and advanced countries abroad. China’s flat glass industry consumes more natural resources, energy costs are higher, technology and equipment levels are relatively low, product mix is not feasible, and the processed glass ratio is low.There are lots of manufacturers, but the production scale is small, industry concentration is low, and research and development capitalization is weak. (Wenyi, M. O Professor of the Chinese Ceramic Society, â€Å"Review and Prospect of the Glass Industry in China†). Innovations in future technology within the glass industry are going to be vital for firms within the industry to utilize if they are going to stay competitive taking into consideration the probable advancement of the Chinese Industry. The US glass industry alone spends 1. billion a year on energy and (energy costs) accounts for 14% of the cost of production (Ernest Worrel et al 2008). This leaves huge scope for firms to enable energy saving and thus cost saving technology. A report entitled â€Å"Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Glass Industry† an Energy Star Guide for Energy and Plant Managers by Ernst Worrell, Christina Galitsky, Eric Masanet, and Wina Graus we can clearly see that these cost saving technologies are either there to be utilized by firms within the industry or are very near to that stage.Oscillating combustion is currently being tested by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI). This technology forces the oscillation of the burner fuel to create successive, fuel-rich and fuel-lean zones within the flame. It also reduces NOx emissions. Reported fuels savings are 2 to 5% and reduced NOx emissions 30 to 50%. The Segmented Melter works as the batch is melted in an electric melter, after which the cullet is added in a separate oxy-fuel fired melter. Although on the plus side emissions will be lowered maintenance to the seg-melter is high as it only has a useful life of 15 years and requires repairs at lea st once every 3 years.However, there is interest in future improvements of the seg-melter to develop a more energy-efficient glass melting process (TNO, The Netherlands; Alfred University, New York). Under development by Tamglass, Finland, a new HSCâ„ ¢ high-speed convection heater transfers more of the heat by convection (over 50%) using a lengthwise system of heating elements in the furnace. Tamglass claims production increases of as much as 40%, lower energy costs, and increased process reliability (Tamglass 2003). Limited steam use in the glass production process limits the use of cogeneration or combined heat and power generation in the glass industry.An alternative may be the use of an air-bottoming cycle. The average energy savings were estimated at 10% with an estimated payback periods of 3 to 4 years (at price conditions in The Netherlands). The recycling of in-house glass waste is challenging as impurities in the waste material often leads to a high rate of filament bre akage in fiber forming processes. It has been estimated that around 260,000 tons of glass waste are generated each year in US. and that in-house recycling of this waste would save the US glass industry over $7 million per year in avoided nergy and waste disposal costs (ANL 2003). Argonne National Laboratory has developed a glass fiber recycling process based on thermal treatment that is estimated to have a potential payback period of 2 years. One method that firms within the glass industry could do to increase productivity, efficiency and increased profits is to employ improved Information Systems by bringing in Siemens or other specialists to review their processes in the near future as Siemens offer services that will improve IS and reduce energy costs.As a reduction in energy usage and improved production processes will reduce the cost of production firms can benefit in not only the long run but the short to medium term as well. Practically the likes of Waterford Wedgewood and Ga lway Crystal have been in the business of glass production for centuries and therefore may be unlikely/unwilling to let in outsiders to review their processes new firms in the industry may see it as an ideal way to increase their competitiveness in the market reasonably quickly.For it’s customers in the glass industry, Siemens offers a package of services to analyze and optimize energy consumption of plant. They will bring in specialists to examine the production lines for weak points, develop suitable counter measures and, where necessary, also supply the appropriate financing concepts. In many cases, just improving the exploitation of existing equipment will lead to considerable savings. Siemens also offers services that will achieve projected ongoing energy savings of three to five percent per year over the next five to six years. (Optimum use Energy solutions for the glass industry from Siemens)